San Francisco

I had heard many times that San Francisco reminded people of Melbourne and I have to admit they were right. I may be a little bias because Melbourne is my home but they don’t call it the worlds most liveable city for no reason! I can’t exactly say why it reminded me so much of Melbourne but it really just does. Maybe it is the AMAZING Italian food, or the pier looking like St Kilda Beach, or maybe it’s just that I instantly felt at home, regardless of what it is, San Francisco is a beautiful place with so much to offer!


Green Tortoise Hostel on Broadway

We stayed in a private room as we had just arrived and needed the rest. The bed was super comfy and cleaned everyday. The staff were really lovely and if you stay in a private room you don’t have to pay for towels etc. the hostel was on broadway which isn’t near fisherman’s wharf or the golden gate bridge but it is right near the Italian district and the restaurants are amazing. It is a quick walk to the pier but quite a long walk to Fishermans Wharf. It is however a really nice walk and there is lots to see on the way.

Things To Do

Alcatraz: this was such an awesome experience, especially if you love history. Make sure that you get there 30 mins before your booked departure time as they leave right on the time. ALSO make sure you book because it is crazy popular. When you are there, PLEASE follow the tour guide. I know it may sound lame but you will learn so much and they really know their stuff.

Golden Gate Bridge: If I only had 1 day in SF this is what I would do! Hire out a bike and ride it, it was one of my favourite days and so much fun to ride a bike (for the first time in almost 10 years). You can hire one towards the end of Fisherman’s wharf and ride from there. WARNING it is tiring and there are sooooo many hills but it really is so worth it. Riding over the bridge is an incredible experience and absolutely surreal… like you are on the Golden gate bridge WHAT!? One of the best parts of this is when you get to the other side of the bridge and enter Sausalito, one of the prettiest places I have seen. It is very European looking and it is just beautiful. By this time you are sweaty and tired so it’s up to you whether or not you want to get a bite to eat or just get on the ferry and go home. Another warning: the line to get back on the ferry back to the other side is veryyyy longggggg. You can always ride back but I guarantee that you would rather die than do it all again (even thought it was amazing, one way is enough).

Fisherman’s Wharf: This is obviously a must but is something you can do on your way to getting the bikes. We went inside the aquarium and we had such a fun time. Jake and I both love animals and it was just so much more enjoyable than we expected it to be. We also went to Ripley’s believe it or not which was alright but we just did it cause it was day 2 of the trip and we were down for whatever haha. There is heaps to see at FW and also lots of seafood restaurants YUMMM.

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