
If I were a tourist destination… I would be Lagos. Lagos provided me with exactly what I was looking for, alcohol, beach, good company, and laziness. There is nothing I love more when I get home at 8am than sleeping for a few hours then going to the beach to sleep some more. although Lagos wasn’t 100% as rowdy as I had expected, I certainly made it that way for myself and enjoyed every minute!

Accomodation: Rising Cock Hostel

Everyone I know who has stayed here has told me that I absolutely HAVE to go because it’s the most amazing hostel ever and the loosest place in Lagos… Sorry to say it but I was let down a bit. Don’t get me wrong, I still loved staying there and had so much fun but it seems that locals have made it difficult for the Cock to be what it apparently once was. The common area gets shut at about 11 and you can’t go out there, the lower chill area also was cleared out around this time so if you wanted to get blind with your mates at the hostel late into the night… That wasn’t an option…for most anyway, I managed to weisl my way into the bottom common area for many hours. The pub crawls are free but the pre drinks aren’t really crazy and I honestly expected to see beer bongs everywhere before heading out. So many times I’d come in at 1am to get something from my room and half of the people were asleep… In Lagos… In a party hostel… On a Saturday night. I just didn’t get it. Luckily for me I met some amazing people and probably my fave crew of my whole trip. I guess ultimately this is what really matters because I had the best time ever. Also a shout out to majority of the staff who were fucking legends and were always down for a good time and were up late with us every night.

Things to do:

The Beach: try and see as many of the different beaches as you can because they are all a little but different but all so beautiful. You can climb through the rocks that surround the beaches and walk to the next one. I absolutely loved just laying on the beach preparing my body for the night ahead.

Rising Cock Booze Cruise: to be honest this was a let down and I was told that apparently the black cat one was way better but I thought I’d do it anyway. Unfortunately we had a really choppy day and a lot of people were sick. Even if that wasn’t the case though, you paid €45 for watered down Sangria, shit beer and a few salad rolls… It was still a good time thou because we had the right people and being able to jump into the water was cool.

Do your own thing: honestly my favourite times in Lagos was when I was just somewhere in the street/on the beach drinking into the early morning with mates. Lagos is a chilled place and it’s important to be drunk sitting outside somewhere talking shit.

Watch the Sunrise: legit you NEED to do this  I mean yes you can watch the sunset but what would be the fun in that? We had been out all night and decided to go for a walk. The sun had begun to rise so we wandered over to the front beach area, sat on the edge of a pier and watched. It was absolutely beautiful and for sure the best decision I made in Lagos.

There is actually a lot more you can do in Lagos but I was there for a good relaxing time and that’s exactly what I got 💙

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