
The Australian Mecca of the Greek Islands. EVERYONE is Aussie there I swear and while I had the time of my life… I could see how the plethora of bogans could turn a lot of people off Ios,

Accomodation: Francesco’s (hostel)
I wouldn’t want to have stayed anywhere else in Ios. I don’t know how people stay at Far Out honestly… You are too close to the day party with no down time but also literally Far Out from everything else. Francesco’s is right near all of the nightlife in ios and also situated on top of a hill so the view is absolutely spot on. There is a pool and deck which overlooks the island and ocean… I spent many a day hungover in that beautiful pool area. Breakfast isn’t free but there is a little cafe there that isn’t expensive. Francesco’s turn the wifi off at night which was really shit because that was when I would talk to people back home but half the time you’re too pissed to notice.

Things to do:
Far Out Beach Club: this is where you get the party started. There is a cheap 5 ,in bus from the main town to far out so it’s super easy to get to…whatever you do, however drunk you are… Don’t walk to or from there back to the main town… My legs were recovering for days after that hike haha. Far Out was so much fun especially if you have a good crew.. Which of course I did! You basically just get absolutely trashed before you head out at night. There is a rumour going around that the pool has STDs floating around so we didn’t get in haha but others seemed to enjoy it.
Bar hopping/clubbing: everything is so close together that you can just hop from bar to bar. There also is no dress code so you rock up in thongs and just get trashed. I liked Shoosh Bar which was a silent disco. You can change between three frequencies, 2 being house style music and one r&b/hip-hop. Slammers was way to packed when we enter but you have to go and get a slammer shot. Basically you wear a helmet, skull a drink and get smacked across the head with a fire extinguisher…. Why? No clue but you’re blind so it’s fine.
Gyros: eat all the gyros you can in Greece, they are delicious snd are the best drunk/hungover food.

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