
Je t’aime Paris
Paris is as beautiful magical wonderful as you have always imagined it to be. I regret not spending an entire week there because I fell head over heels in love with this city. It is now the top of my ‘must got back and visit’ list.

Accommodation: Young and Happy Hostel
Located in the heart of the Latin quarter, I was so happy with our location and what was around us. I was in Paris to eat good food and drink lots of good wine and champagne… And that’s exactly what the Latin quarter offered. I would 100% recommend staying here, next time I think I’d get an airbnb in this area. The hostel was good, the staff were really nice and helped with whatever you needed. My only complaints would be that the shower sprayed at you like crazy and it turned off every 10 seconds to save water… Also breaky finished a 9:30am which is far too early for a hostel.

Things to do:
Eat! Eat whatever and wherever you can and don’t be afraid to spend more. Paris is expensive but I’m telling you it’s worth it… I ate goats cheese every day and I regret nothing. Make sure you eat french cuisine because there is just nothing else like it in this world.
Eiffel Tower: well obviously… It is so surreal walking underneath it and looking up at it. Coreena and I had moments where we were silent just watching it and taking it in. Make sure you go both during the day and at night for the light show, it goes til about 1am and starts when it gets dark.
Arc de Triomphe: another surreal thing to stare at… Really everything in Paris is. Make sure you pay and go up because the view is spectacular. We went at about 6pm so the line wasn’t big which I would recommend.
The Louvre: the prism out the front is so cool and is a great photo op. We spent around 3 hours inside the museum and covered most of it… We couldn’t believe how big it really is and the history is so interesting. The audio guide is pretty good and only €3. My mum looks like Mona Lisa so I loved seeing her there haha.
Notre Dame: stunning. We didn’t go inside but I was happy to just look at it from the outside.
Moulin Rouge: unfortunately we couldn’t really afford to go in but its really cool from the outside. My advice would be to get your picture and get the fuck out of there asap. The people around there a CREEPS and we felt so uncomfortable and unsafe in that area.
Latin quarter: as I said, amazing food and just an all round great vibe.
Disneyland: it took up our whole day but we went from shitty hungover to the happiest people on earth…legit haha. The rides were so fun and it was just such a great day.

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