
Berlin is one crazy place. There is no time to rest and I’m pretty sure sleeping on the weekend is socially unacceptable. I had a very loose time in Berlin and after day 7 my body needed me to get the hell out of there… Too much fun was had. The only let down in Berlin is that they are so busy accepting all of the weird and wonderful people of the world that much of Berlin has become just the opposite. I felt s but like if you weren’t “alternative” in anyway then you wouldn’t be accepted in Berlin… A bit of irony on your travels can’t hurt though.

Accommodation: Sunflower Hostel
Located in the club district of East Berlin, the sunflower is in a prime position for people who are In Berlin to Party. If you can manage to get into Berghain, it’s a 2 min walk. Overall the staff are great and so are the facilities, although there aren’t enough electrical ports for the amount of people staying in a room.

Things to do:
Alternative Berlin Tour: it was cool to have a tour that took you to the alternative parts of the city. The guide told us where to and where not to go in Berlin and gave us an edgy history tour of the old East and West Germany.
Bars/clubs: everyone tries to get into Berghain but most won’t succeed. I wasn’t upset when I got knocked back because that’s not really my scene anymore but would have been cool to check it out. Pretty much all the clubs around will give you the same experience but Suicide Circus became old faithful for us on a night out.
Eat Vegan: I really wanted to check out one of the many vegan laces in the city but I was always too hungover to want anything other than burgers haha. I do regret having not eaten vegan at least once.
Pride Festival: I was lucky enough to be there for the Gay Pride Festival. It was so nice and refreshing to see people from all walks of life accept one another and all drink together. I’m so glad I got to see the festival and see people really In their element.
German History Museum: it was really interesting to learn about German history other than the Wars and the Berlin Wall. In saying that, the World War II section of the exhibit was my favourite and I’m really glad I went.
Brandenburg Gate: it was cool to see and take a photo in front of but I guess at the end of the day it’s a fancy gate… Still go though.
Berlin Wall/ East Side Gallery: unfortunately they had gates up around most of the wall I guess to protect it but I wished I could have had a good view of some of the most. Famous parts of the wall. I did get to see some parts without the gate and. It’s great for photos! The history of the wall is so interesting and I Would recommend a tour that explains a lot of the history if you aren’t familiar with it.

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