San Blas Islands

Paradise! We paid a small fortune to sail on a catamaran for 5 days through the San Blas Islands and it was absolutely incredible. San Blas is commonly known for being the summer desktop wallpaper for Microsoft and it is even more spectacular in person. I would 100% recommend doing the islands at some stage in your life.

El Guitano del Mar
$550 for 5 days, all meals included, amazing crew, awesome views, and even better company. I could not recommend this boat enough. Basically it’s too hot to sleep inside the cabins and there aren’t enough beds lol but you sleep out on the deck and it all just adds to the experience. You party a lot, get VERY dirty, and make friends for life. We were so fortunate to have the group we had. Honestly everyone was so amazing and they are some of the most genuine and incredible people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and I feel so blessed to have experienced the islands with them. I think the experience on the boat really is determined by the group you’re with but I guess that is all up to luck.
You sail around various islands and get to swim out to them and snorkel around some of the most beautiful water you could imagine.
The only difficult part is the cross over when you finish in the islands and begin the 25+ hour journey over to Colombia. Make sure you bring Dramamine to knock you the F out because you will feel sick and you won’t sleep otherwise.
Overall it was such an incredible experience and one that I won’t forget. MUST DO



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